Come alone or with your group to experience the respite that Rosary Hills can offer you.

Fatima Building

During the Marian apparition in Fatima, Portugal in 1917, Mary told the three children Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta to pray the Holy Rosary each day to bring peace to the world and for the war to end. The story’s authenticity has been questioned but was later accepted by the Vatican and pronounced them as the appearances of the Virgin Mary who has been called as “Our Lady of Fatima.”

Fatima Building is the main building of Rosary Hills as it is Our Lady of Fatima who enjoins everyone to pray the Holy Rosary.

Conference Halls

The conference halls are named as Ignacio (St. Ignatius of Loyola), Francisco (St. Francis of Assisi), and Domingo (St. Dominic of Caleruega) because they are the founders of the Catholic congregations who have served the Church until their last breath. As conference halls are where people gather, these are also the reasons behind naming them after these influential figures in the Catholic faith who have drawn people closer to God.

People gather together to bring forward concepts and ideas. May you find all the answers that you are looking for as you convene with your family, friends, and co-workers.

Carmel Building (Residences)

Mount Carmel is one of the most notable places mentioned in the Bible, and is considered as a “holy place.” It is also where Elijah challenged hundreds of prophets to identify the deity that leads Israel. As Carmel symbolizes a “holy place,” it must then be composed of faith, hope, and charity, which leads to the names of the dormitories: Fe, Esperanza, and Caridad.

Before you go to sleep each night, may the light of faith and hope shine through, and may you always share them with those around you. May the shadows that chase you disappear into the night.

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Chapel

In a Marian apparition in Guadalupe, Mexico, the Virgin Mary appeared before St. Diego – an Aztec convert. This apparition has not only brought a religious impact, but it also significantly influenced the country’s identity. Our Lady of Guadalupe remains to be a powerful symbol of faith, not only in Mexico, but also around the world. She is also the Patroness of the Unborn and of the Pro-Life Movement – and Rosary for Life Philippines is under the protection of this beautiful title of Our Lady.

Before you leave the Chapel, give the altar one last glance. May you see how the Mother sees you. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. May you always love the life you have been blessed with.

Emmaus (Registration & Admin Office)

In the Bible, the road of Emmaus is where Jesus appeared after his death and resurrection. The visitors lounge is called as Emmaus as a reminder of the encounter of the disciples with the resurrected Jesus.

We welcome all our visitors with an open and hopeful heart. May you feel the warmth as you enter our home.

Pompeya (Coffee Shop & Waiting Area)

Pompeii was a wealthy Roman City with lavish villas and huge houses. It was known for its modern architecture which was ahead of its time. Before it was buried in ashes because of the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius, it was a place where locals and tourists alike, gather in artisan shops and cafes. Thus, the coffee shop in Rosary Hills is named after Pompeya.

Enjoy sumptuous meals prepared for you at the Pompeya. May you gain good health and nourishment as you do.

Casitas (Cottages)

The casitas are named after the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Each of the cottages has its own story to tell. It is said that whichever cottage you have been assigned to, will speak its message to you. Open your eyes and hearts, and watch its story unfold before you.

Cabanas (Gazebos)

The cabanas are named after the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Each of the cabanas has been thoughtfully named in such as way that it represents the mysteries, and that its message will be felt by the ones who enter them.

The Rosary Garden

Inspired by the Rosary Garden in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the Rosary Garden symbolizes a journey. Each of the station illustrates the each of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. 

Praying the Holy Rosary is ingrained in the Catholic Faith. It also represents a journey for those who pray and for those who need to do soul-searching. 

As one walks through each of the stations and contemplate on what they represent, one may find himself enticed with the concept of spirituality which may eventually captivate him to seek more.

It is always a beautiful day to take a walk in the park. Let us walk with you.

Triqueta (Fountain)

Triquetra is literally translated as “three corners.” In the Catholic faith, it is referred to as the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

As you indulge yourself in watching the water flow, may it wash away all your sorrow.



Come find peace, comfort,

connection, and introspection.

Talk To Us

RC Rosary Hills Retreat Center

Brgy. Hoyo, Silang, Cavite 4100

Mobile: +63 917 143 9070

